Question about the best way to give a dog medicine.
This article is one of a great many articles written by Dennis Fisher about a very wide variety of subjects concerning different dogs, such as obedience training, breeding, showing, health matters, training problems and other subjects. All these articles appear on Dennis Fisher's websites. Visit the site that has been set up specifically for German Shepherd Dog enthusiasts, or if you interested in a breed other than German Shepherd Dogs
Question: I seem to have the greatest difficulty giving my dogs medicine,
particularly pills. Is there any easy way you can suggest?
Answer: Giving a dog pills or medicine for that matter is not difficult as
long as you go about it the the right way. The first thing to remember is
not excite the animal unnecessarily. Act in a quite and calm, matter of
fact manner and then proceed in the following way.
Place your left hand over the top of his muzzle and open his mouth by slipping
your left thumb around the upper jaw, just behind the tow large
front canine teeth. . Having opened the dog's mouth, gently life his head,
being careful not make the animal unduly anxious. With his mouth now open,
drop the pills deep in his throat. You can if you wish make sure that the
pills are swallowed by using the fingers of your right hand - or your
right thumb - to gently push the [pills right back behind his tongue.