Dog Obedience Training
by Dennis Fisher.
This article is one of a great many articles written by Dennis Fisher about a very wide variety of subjects concerning different dogs, such as obedience training, breeding, showing, health matters, training problems and other subjects. All these articles appear on Dennis Fisher's websites. Visit the site that has been set up specifically for German Shepherd Dog enthusiasts, or if you interested in a breed other than German Shepherd Dogs
How to
train a dog to come when called.
your dog to come immediately you call is one of the most important and
satisfying aspects of dog training. It can also be the most frustrating feature
of training if you don’t approach the training process correctly.
A dog that
returns to you immediately you call is a delight. A dog that carries on doing
what it wants to and completely ignores your command can be a maddening
How do you
make sure that you dog returns to quickly and willingly immediately you call?
As simple
as the answer is, many people who have not had much experience training dogs
find it surprisingly difficult. The
secret is to make the experience so pleasant for the dog that it comes to you
with tremendous enthusiasm.
There are
a number of ways this can be done.
The method I’m going to describe in this article is a basic method you can use
if your dog has had virtually no training at all. Later in these series of dog
training articles you will find slightly more advanced methods.
Go to a
field, preferably one that is
fenced in some way, and have a friend accompany you.
Walk together on to the field
with your friend and your
dog on leash. Then hand the
leashed dog to your friend and run a distance away, about fifty years.
When you
are about 50 yards away from your friend and
the leashed dog, which will
probably be straining to get to you, call the dog by name, clapping your hands
enthusiastically and shouting out:
“ROGER COME!” as pleasantly and as excitedly as you can.
When the
dog comes bounding towards you, make a tremendous fuss of the animal, expressing
enthusiastic and extravagant praise.
Repeat this process a number of times.
The whole
point of the exercise, obviously, is to make the dog WANT to come back to you.
By your excited attitude you will make the dog extremely keen to come
immediately you call.
The reward
for the dog is your extravagant praise, repeating it’s name over and over
accompanied with the “THAT’S A GOOD DOG!” as enthusiastically as you can.
Once you
have done this a number of times on different occasions, you will have
established the basic routine. At this stage of training no food reward is
necessary. Your enthusiastic praise
is all that is necessary to encourage your dog to come quickly back to you.
mentioned, this is the basic method to use where you dog has had very little
training. In subsequent articles more advanced training methods will be set out.
The second
way is also very simple, but it does require your dog to have had some leash
training. To get the dog to walk
comfortably on heel it is necessary to use a suitable, linked training collar,
and soft leather leash – or webbed lead.
The lead should be strong, but soft so that it will not unnecessary
pressure on your hand.
After you
have trained the dog for some time and have managed to have it walk pleasantly
at heel on your left side, without straining or pulling ahead, start to
introduce the ‘SIT” command.
This is a
very simple exercise if you do it correctly.
There are two basic ways this can be done.
The first ways is with a tiny piece of
food that the dog likes – something different from the food you usually
feed - perhaps
piece of dried meat, or sausage or a piece of cheese.
Walk with
the dog at heel. Then stop and hold the tempting piece of food just above the
dog’s head. Encourage the dog to
sit by tempting it with the tasty piece of food.
Once it does sit reward with the food.
The second
way to encourage your dog to sit is shorten the leash, that you are holding in
your right hand, and use your left hand to gently press down on the dog’s
Once the
dog sits, praise enthusiastically.
You can, if you wish, reward the dog with a piece of food, but very often
all that is necessary is generous praise.
Once you
have managed to get the dog, while on leash, to sit immediately you command it
to do so, you have introduce the SIT-STAY command.
While holding the leash in your left hand, tell the dog to STAY
and step away a few paces from the dog.
You can extend your right
hand, palm towards the dog, while giving this STAY command.
It may be
necessary to practice this a few times before the dog realizes what is required.
When the
dog has been trained to say without coming to you for a minute or so, you can
return to the dog and praise enthusiastically.
After you
have become fairly proficient in this exercise you can lengthen the time that
the dog is required to sit without coming to you.
Once you are able to do this you go on to the next step.
Use a long
leash, or a long piece of webbing
and repeat the process of telling your dog to SIT and then STAY.
Step away from the dog – about twenty paces – and then call the dog to
you as pleasant and as happily as
you can. When the dog comes
to you, encourage it to sit in front of you by holding a tempting piece of food
at the height of your waist.
long the dog you will be able to lengthen the distance and the time
that you are able to leave the dog in the sitting position.
By rewarding the dog with a piece of food that it likes, the dog will
come to you willingly to receive a double reward – the food and your extravagant
forget to praise as happily as you can.