Dog Obedience Training.

by Dennis Fisher.

This article is one of a great many articles written by Dennis Fisher about a very wide variety of subjects concerning different  dogs, such as obedience training, breeding, showing, health matters, training problems and other subjects.  All these articles appear on Dennis Fisher's websites.   Visit the site that has been set up specifically for German Shepherd Dog enthusiasts, or  if you interested in a breed   other than German Shepherd Dogs



This is a fairly easy exercise if you carry out the different training steps gradually.

 Your first  step is to give the command ‘SIT STAY” in a clear, firm voice. Then go  to the end of your lead and stand in front of your dog.    To make this command more definite, when you stand in front of your dog, you can hold your right hand high with fingers outstretched, imitating a traffic controllers stop signal; or you can hold your extended hand in front of the dog’s face.

Keep your  dog in this sit  stay position for a while;  then circle him by walking  around him.

In the initial stage you need walk around him only once before returning to his right side.  Later you  can increase the number of times you circle your dog before returning to him.

By holding  the leash while instructing him to SIT STAY, your dog will not be anxious that you will leave him and not return.

It is important for your dog to be absolutely confident that you will return to him.  This will avoid the problem  of the dog getting up and coming to look for you when the training is more advanced and you have to leave the dog for a considerable time on its  own while you disappear from view.

If you are able to train your dog to remain in the sit-stay position for a length of time, you’ll have no difficulty in leaving it for a long time in the DOWN position.

When the dog has become accustomed to remaining in the SIT STAY position while you are holding the leash, you can give him a firm SIT STAY command, then drop the leash and walk away.

In the initial stages of training you can walk backwards away from your dog, keeping your right hand extended.   Keep the distance fairly short at first and gradually lengthen the distance.

If your dog has the habit of coming to you after you have give him the command SIT STAY, left him and walked some distance away, here is a useful way to break this habit:

1.   Get a very long length of light but strong webbing or some other material.  Attach it to the dog’s collar.


2.   Find a tree on your training field.


3.   Take the dog about six feet in front of the tree and  give it  the Sit stay command


4.   Take this very long lead that you have made and wind  it very loosely once around the base of the pole or tree that is behind the dog.


5.   Make sure that this lead is lying loosely on the ground and the dog is not aware that it is attached to his collar.


6.   Walk about ten to fifteen feet away from the dog with the end of the very long lead in your hand.


7.    The dog should still be in the SIT STAY position.


8.   Drop the lead to the ground in front of you and repeat the SIT STAY  command with your right hand extended.


9.   You have dropped the long lead to the ground in front of you, so the dog is not aware that the lead is attached to its collar.


10.        When the dog breaks the SIT STAY and start coming towards you, quickly pick up the end of the lead that is on the ground in front of you. Give it a quick jerk.


11.        The lead, attached to the dog’s collar, is wrapped around the  base of the tree.


12.        This prevents the dog from coming forward to you.  It is jerked to a halt.


13.        The dog is forced to stop in its tracks.  It is completely confused that you  are able to control it’s movement and stop it coming to you.


14.        In future, when you leave the dog in the sit stay position, all you have to do is to give  the  STAY  command


15.        You won’t have to use the extra long lead again. Leave  a normal lead hanging on the ground  in front of  the dog.


The dog  will have no idea whether or not you have control of this lead and will not take a chance and break his stay.