Dog Problems.
This article is one of a great many articles written by Dennis Fisher about a very wide variety of subjects concerning different dogs, such as obedience training, breeding, showing, health matters, training problems and other subjects. All these articles appear on Dennis Fisher's websites. Visit the site that has been set up specifically for German Shepherd Dog enthusiasts, or if you interested in a breed other than German Shepherd Dogs
A number of dog sicknesses are caused by worms, which is regrettable because
worms can quite easily be eliminated without distress to the dog.
Although worms are often the cause of diarrhea, loss of condition, poor coat
condition and loss of blood, there are occasions where dogs can have worms
without showing any obvious signs of infestation.
This is because the infestation is not severe.
Nevertheless, in these instances the worms should still be eliminated.
The dog’s stool is often a very reliable indication of its health, so one should
make a point of observing the animal’s stool.
In the case of tapeworms, the little segments
- that look like grains of rice - are
usually clearly visible, but this is not always the case.
In the case of hookworm, there is often traces of blood in the stool, but here
again this is not always the case.
The only reliable test as to whether the animal has worms , is to ask your
Veterinarian to examine a sample of the stool under the microscope.
Not only will this reveal whether or not the animal has
worms, your Veterinarian will also be
able identify which type of worm is present.
There are
excellent worm medicines
available, that are extremely
effective in ridding the animal of worms, and are also very safe if given in the
correct doses.