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Useful free information and valuable free advice about


                 You'll find information and advice about the following subjects:

Dog Health  *   Dog Obedience Training   *  Dog Behavior problems  * Dog Feeding Advice    Dog Tricks    *  Dogs with troublesome skin condition  *Dog Treats for training*   Dog Showing  * Dog BreedingCommon dog sicknesses   How to handle the alpha dogHow to handle the sensitive, nervous  dog  and many helpful  answers to  various dog questions.


This site provides information about dogs of many different breeds.
If you are the owner of a German Shepherd Dog you'll find a special site devoted to this breed.


A special site devoted exclusively to German Shepherd Dogs has been created. 
German Shepherd Dog enthusiasts will find a wealth of valuable information about this breed  on the following site:


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house and dogs          Information about this free dog advice website.

My name is Dennis Fisher and the information and advice provided on this website is offered as a FREE SERVICE to owners of all breeds of dog.

It comes from a lifelong involvement with dogs at all levels - as a judge, obedience training director, show dog exhibitor, competitor in obedience competitions and breeder of show dogs, with more than 50  years experience.

Although my involvement as a breeder and judge has been with German Shepherds, my interest in dogs has not been confined to this breed. In addition to a great number of German Shepherds, I  have also owned and trained many other breeds such Border Collies, Great Danes, French Poodles, Cairn Terriers, Schipperkes and others.

Because I have had so much pleasure and satisfaction from my long association with dogs, I am happy to share with others the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years.  I hope that you'll  find the extensive information I have compiled and set out on these page useful.

My dogs are all house-dogs - not kennel dogs - so together with my wife, who shares my passion for dogs, we are able to enjoy the companionship they offer.  Pictured above, playing happily in our garden, are three of our Shepherds together with our harlequin Great Dane.  

All our dogs are trained and  get on well together. There is no fighting.



The  various fields of dog training are listed alphabetically below.

Click  which area  of obedience training you'd like to know more about. You'll be taken to pages with detailed information about the most effective training methods.

Age to start training
Barking -excessive
Cars - riding in cars
Food refusal
Furniture - jumping on
Heeling on leash
Heeling off lead
High jump

Hurdle retrieve
Leashes  - choosing correctly
Pills and medicine - how to give
Nervous dogs - how to handle
Running away when called
Scent discrimination
Send-away exercise
Sit Stay

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                       COMMON  HEALTH PROBLEMS.

The various sicknesses from which  dogs often suffer from are listed alphabetically.                  Please note: The information is for general interest only.  It is not meant to replace advice from a qualified Veterinarian.  If you are concerned in any way about the health of your pet, visit your Veterinarian immediately.

Click the problem  about which you would like to have more information.  You will be taken to  a page  that provides you with details of this health problem.

Aches & Pains of a general nature
Arthritis & Rheumatism
Biliary Fever

Dog bites
Ear infections
Ear mite 

Heat Stroke
Minor  wounds
Skin conditions


                      HOME NURSING  FOR YOUR DOG

                      Click below for details of illnesses you may be able to treat at home: 

                      Treat Your Pet At Home With Over 1000 At-home Pet Health Remedies:



                       Click below: You'll go to a page advising you of ways to make the dog more comfortable. 

                  Care of the older dog .


Interesting & informative articles.

   Click the article below you would like to read.                        

1. Guard Dogs - the 6 best breeds to protect your home and family

2. How to handle the strong-willed obstinate "alpha" dog.

3. Nine  effective ways to stop a dog barking and avoid problems with your neighbor

4. How to train a dog to come when called

5. Guard Dogs and small children

6.Instant obedience is easy if  you follow these basic rules.

7. How to choose the breed of dog most suitable for your purpose.

8. Obedience Dog Training: Easy ways to housebreak your young pup

9. Basic Obedience training: Training secrets that show you how to have a well-behaved dog.

10.How to stop a dog barking

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Click below for complete dog food and nutrition guide.

All you need to know about your dog's diet and dog nutrition.

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The subject matter of these questions is listed alphabetically.  Click the question that interests you and you'll be taken to a page that gives you the answer .

Bathing a dog.  Should a dog be bathed. If so, how often?

Biliary:  How can you tell if a dog has biliary? 

Bitches in season.  How long does a bitch come into season and how often?

Breeding:  What is inbreeding, outbreeding and linebreeding? 

Car sickness. How can you prevent car sickness in your dog? 

Coat:  How can you improve the condition of your dog's coat?

Ears:  When can you expect a German Shepherd pups ears to become erect?

Eggs:  Are eggs good for dogs? 

Exercise:  How much exercise does a dog need and what age should you start?  

False pregnancy:  What is a false pregnancy?  

Feeding the bitch in whelp:  What special food should the bitch get? 

Front legs:  What can you give to a young dog is his front legs aren't straight? 

Garlic:  Is garlic good for a dog?  Will it get rid of fleas?

Gestation. What is the usual period that a bitch is pregnant? 

Grass:  Why do dog's eat grass?  Does it indicate a vitamin deficiency?

Inbreeding:  What is inbreeding and  outbreeding? J

Jaws:  What is a scissors bite, an overshot jaw and an undershot jaw?

How can one tell when a bitch is ready for mating?

Medicine:  What is the easiest way to give a dog medicine?

Nervousness:  How does one train a very shy, nervous dog?

Period of gestation:  How long after mating will a bitch whelp? 

Pregnancy:  What is the usual signs that indicates a bitch is pregnant? 

Weaning pups:  What is the best way to wean pups in a litter? 

Whelping:  What are the signs a bitch is ready to whelp? 


Click below for detailed descriptions of 70 popular breeds listed alphabetically. 

 Which breed to choose?  Choose from 70 popular breeds


 Click for easy and amusing tricks you can teach your Dog 

  Dog Tricks. 


Click  for personal details of dogs I have owned.

About the writer:



More Training tips.

How to train dogs with different temperaments and have a well-behaved dog.

 Bringing a new pup into your  home

Housebreaking your pup

How to pick up a pup

Leash Training your dog

Teaching your dog to SIT

housebreaking pup.htm

Teaching your dog to STAY



The methods that I have described on this site are training techniques I've used for years  myself and found very successful. There are however, many different ways to train a dog.

You'll find details below of some extremely popular dog training courses about which there have been very favorable reports.

You may find the particular methods described in these training  courses very suitable for your own dog and your own special training needs.


Dog Training Course - Number One.

This  dog training course, entitled Secrets to Dog Training has been a tremendously popular dog training course for some time - in fact it is  probably the most most popular dog training course on the internet.   There must obviously be a reason for this

When you visit the site, you will see that the course covers problems areas of dog disobedience such as:

 Aggression, biting, digging, barking, chewing, humping, house training, whining, bolting out of the front doors, separation anxiety, pulling on the leash and a number of other problems that many people have with their dogs. 

To find our more about this highly successful dog training course and how to access it, click Secrets of Dog Training


Dog Training Course - Number 2.

Clicker got training:

Clicker training is a completely different form of training. It involves a method known as "positive reinforcement training".  The  dog is rewarded for doing what the trainer requires, instead of punishing or reprimanding it for not doing what the trainer wants.  The food reward is accompanied by a click - a sound made by a small clicker held in one's hand.

Although I have never personally made use of the clicker in my training because I have always had satisfactory results with traditional training methods, many friends who use clicker training methods speak very highly about this unorthodox  training technique.

From many reports I have received it appears that the following training course - "The 4 secrets of becoming a super trainer" is the best clicker training course available on the internet.

To get full details about this clicker dog training Course go to the following site:

Clicker Training -The 4 Secrets of becoming a super trainer


Dog Training Course No. 3

Dove Creswell's Dog Training online.

This is a Course by a well-known professional Dog trainer who provides insider secrets of special, step-by-step, easy to follow instructions guaranteed to be reliable and effective.

Visit the following site for complete details how to access this Course.

Dove Creswell's Dog Training Online


Information about various breeds of dogs - available in e-book.

Click the e-book you would like to access:

American Bulldog Training

Australian Shepherd Training

Bichon Frise Dog Book

Beagle Training

Border Collie Training

Boxer tips and secrets

Chihuahua Training

Cocker spaniel Training

Doberman Pinscher Training

Golden Retriever care and training

Jack Russell Training

Maltese training

Mastiff Master: Training guide for Mastiff owners

Newfoundland Dog owner's guide

Pomeranian Training

Siberian Husky Training

©  Copyright.  This website and all the information  is copyright.  All rights reserved.   It is illegal to reproduce any portion or any of the information by any means unless permission is first obtained from Dennis Fisher who can be contacted at the following e-mail address: